These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern Your access to and use of https://netzence.com (the “Website”) including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through the Website. By accessing or using the Website, You agree to be bound by these Terms and our Privacy Notice, incorporated herein by reference.

Please read these Terms carefully before using the Website. If You do not agree with any part of these Terms, You must not access or use the Website.

By accessing or using this site You represent that You have the full authority to act, to bind Yourself, any third party, company, or legal entity, and that Your use and/or interaction, as well as continuing to use or interact, with the site constitutes Your having read and agreed to these Terms as well as other agreements, or notices that we may post on the Website.

By viewing, visiting, using, or interacting with our Website, or with any banner, pop-up, or advertising that appears on it, You are agreeing to all the provisions of these Terms and the Privacy Notice of the Website.


Visitors, viewers, users, subscribers, members, affiliates, or customers, collectively referred to herein as “Visitors”, “You”, are parties to this agreement. The Website and its owners and/or operators are parties to this agreement, herein referred to as “Website.”

The Terms may change from time to time. Therefore, Visitors have an affirmative duty as part of the consideration for permission to access the Website, use and to keep themselves informed of such changes by reviewing this Terms of Use page each time they visit the Website.


Unless You have entered into an express written contract with the owners of this Website, You have no right to use any of its content in a commercial or public setting, including broadcasting, copying, saving, printing, selling, or publishing any portion of it for any reason other than that which is considered as fair use or for educational purposes. By accessing the contents of this Website, You acknowledge that any unauthorized use is unlawful. You also have no rights to use the Website’s databases, invisible pages, linked pages, underlying code, or any other intellectual property it contains in a commercial or public setting. In recognition of the difficulty in quantifying damages from such infringement, You agree to compensate the owners with actual costs and damages for any breach of this provision.

By accessing the Website, You warrant that You understand and accept these conditions.


The Website and its contents are owned or licensed by the Website’s owner. Materials contained on the Website must be presumed to be proprietary and copyrighted. Visitors have no rights whatsoever in the site content.

You warrant that You understand that accepting this provision is a condition of accessing the Website and that accessing the Website constitutes acceptance.


We disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy of the content appearing at, linked to on, or mentioned on the Website. Visitors assume all risk relating to viewing, reading, using, or relying upon this information. You have no right to rely on any information contained herein as accurate. We make no such warranty.

We disclaim any harm caused to Your computer or software from interacting with this Website or its contents. Visitor assumes all risk of viruses, worms, or other corrupting factors. We assume no responsibility for damage to computers or software of the visitor or any person the visitor subsequently communicates with from corrupting code or data that is passed to the Visitor’s computer.


Visitors agree that the use of this Website will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the Federal Republic of Nigeria as may be amended from time to time and all disputes, actions and other matters relating thereto will be determined in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

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