Netzence pledges commitment to reduction of gas emissions

Netzence Sustainability Limited (Netzence) has restated its commitment to the Paris Agreement, saying it is focused on achieving the nation’s targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions.

The statement reads: “Nigeria, a country at the forefront of climate action, has made significant strides in its quest to fulfil the ambitious goals outlined in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). At the heart of this progress lies an innovative solution – CloseCarbon, a pioneering platform developed by Netzencewhich is empowering Nigeria to accelerate its sustainability journey.

“The NDCs, Nigeria’s commitment to the Paris Agreement, outline the nation’s targets for greenhouse gas, GHG, emission reductions and adaptation measures. As the country navigates this transformative path, CloseCarbon has emerged as a vital tool, providing a comprehensive suite of features that directly support Nigeria’s achievements.

“At the core of CloseCarbon is its robust carbon tracking capabilities. The platform utilises advanced data analytics and seamless integration with various data sources in realtime to meticulously monitor and quantify Nigeria’s carbon emissions across multiple sectors, including energy, transportation, agriculture, and environment. This granular level of tracking enables the government, businesses, and communities to make informed decisions, identify emission hotspots, and implement targeted interventions.

“With Monitoring and Verification, CloseCarbon’s monitoring and verification features ensure the integrity and accuracy of Nigeria’s carbon emission data. By employing industry-leading methodologies and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, the platform validates the emission reduction claims, providing a reliable and transparent system that builds trust and credibility in the country’s climate action efforts.

“One of the standout features of CloseCarbon/Netzence is its innovative incentive mechanisms. The platform enables the creation of a thriving carbon market, where individuals, businesses, and communities can earn carbon incentives for their verified emission reduction activities. These carbon incentives provide a tangible financial incentive for Nigerians to actively participate in climate-friendly initiatives, further accelerating the country’s progress towards its NDC goals.

“Stakeholder Engagement: CloseCarbon/Netzence’s user-friendly interface and intuitive dashboard make it accessible to a wide range of stakeholders, from government agencies and policymakers to businesses and citizens. This inclusivity empowers all segments of the Nigerian society to engage in the carbon tracking and incentive program, fostering a collaborative and inclusive approach to climate action.

“Aligning with National Priorities, the CloseCarbon platform is designed to seamlessly align with Nigeria’s national priorities and development goals. By integrating with existing frameworks and policies, the solution ensures a harmonized approach, amplifying the country’s efforts to achieve its NDC targets while simultaneously advancing its broader sustainable development agenda.

“CloseCarbon has been a game-changer in our pursuit of Nigeria’s NDC goals,” said  Chief UcheNnaji, the Honourable Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology. “This innovative platform has provided us with the tools and mechanisms to accurately track, monitor, and incentivize carbon reduction initiatives across the country. We are confident that with the continued support of Netzence, Nigeria will not only meet but exceed its climate commitments” Dr.Sadiq Sani, Founder/CEO of Netzence.

“As Nigeria continues its journey towards a sustainable future, the strategic partnership between the country and Netzence’sCloseCarbon platform stands as a shining example of how technology and innovation can empower nations to tackle the pressing challenges of climate change. With this powerful alliance, Nigeria is well on its way to achieving its NDC goals and establishing itself as a regional and global leader in the fight against global warming.”



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